5 Tips for the Introverted Dancer

A very common social misconception is the belief that being introverted automatically means a person is shy. On top of that, the idea of being an introverted performer might seem like an oxymoron. However, the reality is neither of those assumptions are true. A person who is shy has a hard time socializing, typically because they are anxious or fearful about rejection or humiliation. An introvert, on the other hand, is someone who prefers socializing in smaller, quieter settings and only when they feel most inclined to speak.

In the book, Quiet, author Susan Cain summarizes the preferences of introverts into the following factors:

  • Introverts often work more slowly and deliberately. They like to focus on one task at a time and can have mighty powers of concentration.

  • Introverts listen more than they talk, think before they speak, and often feel as if they express themselves better in writing than in conversation.

  • Introversion is a preference for environments that are not overstimulating. 

Based on these factors, being introverted as a dancer could look like:

  • Being focused and quiet during practice.

  • Working harder to show your true personality during auditions.

  • Making fewer friends at a slower rate than extroverts.

  • Preferring not to share a hotel room during competitions, out-of-state intensives, and other dance-related travel events.

As you embrace your introverted personality, see if any of the 5 tips below can be useful to you throughout your dance journey.

Create comfort wherever you can.

Sometimes, creating comfort means creating an environment that most allows you to recharge. No matter where you are,  you should bring comfort items that can help you create your own “bubble” of peace. These items can include your favorite hoodie, a satin pillowcase from home, scented candles, headphones, a book, etc. You can also internally recite quotes and affirmations that ground you. With closed eyes and a few deep breaths, you can create a comfort zone even in an unfamiliar setting or in a room filled with people.

Related: How to Pack the Perfect Dance Bag

When meeting new people, take your time.

Whether you are making new friends or simply networking, don’t rush the process! Naturally, it may take you longer than extroverts to warm up to people. For many introverts, having small talk or hanging out in a loud, overstimulating setting can be a nightmare. You would much rather prefer a conversation about a shared hobby and a quiet hangout at a cafe, bookstore, or beach. When meeting someone for the first time, instead of forcing yourself to have small talk, ask that person meaningful questions to get to know more about their personality and interests. From there, you will likely find a genuine way to connect. 

Embrace your inner Sasha Fierce.

Did you know Beyoncé considers herself an introvert? In an interview with CBS, Beyoncé explained how she is usually someone who keeps quiet and to herself. In order to deliver vivid performances, she created an alter ego, one she calls Sasha Fierce. Channeling Sasha Fierce allows her to step outside of her typically reserved personality and unleash her inner superstar. As a dancer, channeling all of your energy into your performance is vital to putting on a memorable show. If you struggle doing this due to being an introvert, try creating your own version of Sasha Fierce to help you step out of your comfort zone on stage and in practice. 

Related: Conquering Stage Fright

Recharge when necessary.

Understand your limits. While extroverts recharge their batteries through socialization, introverts often need quiet time to themselves to refocus their thoughts and ground their emotions. When you notice yourself feeling irritated or overextended, step away from the social outings and spend some quality time alone. Some introverts even schedule “me time” regularly so that they never get to the point of feeling socially drained. 

Be yourself. 

Seek friends and environments that allow you to be yourself. Be honest about your preferences and needs. You know when, where, and with whom you thrive most. While it’s healthy to step outside of your comfort zone every so often, it’s just as important to stand true to what makes you unique. Remember, when you are being your best self, your dancing will reflect that!

In the comments below, tell us if you are introverted or extroverted!