Positive Affirmations for Dancers

There’s an old saying that goes “Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.” As it turns out, this phrase, which was meant to deter bullying, is not always true. Words do have the power to negatively affect you, whether that be physically, mentally, or emotionally. 

In 2018, IKEA conducted an experiment where two identical plants were given the exact same amount of water, sunlight, and air, but one plant was placed near a speaker reciting kind messages while the other was placed near a speaker reciting negative messages. After 30 days, the two plants looked completely different. The plant receiving compliments was flourishing and sturdy, while the plant that was being bullied was yellow and droopy. 

If this is how plants respond to positive and negative messages, how do you think humans are affected by compliments and bullying?

The constant criticism given in the dance industry, especially for young ballerinas, can take its toll on self-esteem. Sometimes, even the criticism that is meant to be constructive or motivational can make anyone second guess themselves. Ballerinas of color, who often already struggle with feelings of isolation and discrimination, are especially at risk of internalizing hurtful comments. That’s why it’s important for dancers of all ages and backgrounds to nurture themselves with positive affirmations. 

A great way to practice the art of affirmations is to write them on sticky notes and place them somewhere that’ll allow you to see them every single day. Every morning and night, read the note out loud. You can even keep your affirmations tucked away in your dance bag or posted as your phone’s background photo.

Related: Creating a Vision Board

You can also create your own affirmations. Think of something you need to hear often to help you feel safe, strong, and confident. Here are a few affirmations you can try:

For Your Mind

  • I am strong enough to keep going even when I am disappointed.

  • I am smart enough to learn from my mistakes.

  • I am brave enough to push past my fears. 

  • Only I can determine my mood. 

  • I will not be distracted by what’s not meant for me.

  • The more I practice, the less afraid I feel.

  • I know myself and what I am capable of. 

For Your Body

  • I am worthy of rest and relaxation.

  • My body is capable of magic. 

  • I am patient and persistent. 

  • My movements create beautiful art.

  • My body is meant to dance. 

  • Everyone is unique and beautiful in their own way, including me.

  • I am healthy, beautiful, and free.

For Your Spirit

  • I deserve every good thing that comes my way.

  • I am able to love and be loved freely.

  • I can do anything I put my mind to. 

  • I am unique, and that is my talent. 

  • I have the power to inspire others.

  • I am enough. 

  • I am proud of myself. 

While it is important to surround yourself with people who uplift you and make you feel good about yourself, nothing is as effective as good old fashioned self-love. Even if an entire audience believes in your talents and abilities, it’s more important that you believe in yourself. On the other hand, empowering yourself will strengthen your defense against bullying, negativity, and other outside influences that work to discourage you.

Part of succeeding in the dance industry - and in the world - is being able to find light and love in everything that crosses your path. Affirmations are a tool to help you along the way.

What are some affirmations that have helped you stay positive, lighthearted, and confident throughout your life? Share them in the comments below! 

If you are being bullied or speak negatively to yourself on a regular basis, share your concerns with a trusted adult, who should then offer you support and resources for empowerment and safety.